but it really aught to be.
Prospecting moments of time through the channels of Space
swirling the effervesent ethers of motion and Gravity
drawing exitentially patterns with gravy train Fireworks
cascading through cooridors of thoughts branching to the Reason
beings enstanciate pleasure as an establishment of self.

God I’m lonely. Yet there is so much out there.

I imagine it is because I just want to be closer to everyone, but
instead I am certain it is because I wish to be closer to a one. There
are many ones and if you count in deminsions there are possibly
infinite ones.
Reasurement that someone can love me. Good.
you think about the asspects of love making you can think of it as
almost using the one. To the one you are also a one for using. This
sharing thing is quite an arrangment because it can mean making
breakfast in the morning or giving a orgasmic fake, and no I don’t
think wording it like that makes it any less of a desirable pleasure,
in either case. Do you take care of your body? Would you take care of
someone else’s that’s yours for a little bit, yeah, and ride it like
the titallation gourge
it is (thats of course from my and other hetrosexual male points of
views, if you perchance be of other quarry ((sup hottness)) or enjoy
other quarry then you might include whole groups into the equation).

Twist" by The Crystal Method just came on. Lou Reed’s "Walk on the
Wild Side" was before that and damn does he do blues. The Method
really finalizes all the thoughts about my current direction. Vauge
eh? If I give away all the details or even involve you in directly
when I’m discussing the purity of the pleasure it just muddy’s the
water. The water’s already muddy though because I have already
involved the me into the it. You see, you are a part of it. What gets your engine purring or outcries the emansipation of the horizon. There is LIFE!
have to add an addendem, the cat just feel asleep on my foot. I’m
serious, it is so damn cute I could spit. For those that don’t know
I’m the Uncle for a cat by the name of ‘Xander, short for Alexander.
He’s no more than 5 months old and a pretty good champ too. Finally
loosing his winny shrill cry. He rolls, like in big cars. Oh and not
but more more than seconds after typing that, a friend, my room mates
gf calls about car trouble. She’s been hence saved. Thee theee
thehehehee tttthaaaatttt’s allll ffffolllkkkksss!!!