Secure Your OPNSense Router With CrowdSec Multi-Server Setup

This post will be edited over time, please feel free to come back and check for new content. Last edit: 11-25-2024 Goal: A HomeLab setup that protects itself This example HomeLab has at its core an OPNSense Router, smart switches with subnet zones, several VMs, a few Docker environments, and specifically for this version of…

Bash with Rsync into the future

To sync all of the mp3 files from a path (pwd) to another location, you can run this first to test to see what would copy: find -ctime -60 -name “*.mp3″ -print0 | rsync -aucvn –files-from=- –from0 ./ /path/to/destination/ Then remove the “n” from the rsync flags to copy, archive style, all files with update…

Web Host Backup Script

This is a script I have developed to back up my hosting environment, and it actually consists of two. One to be started by cron, and then it starts the other. This allows for a modular setup between your environments (apache/nginx/etc). The scripts: #!/bin/bash # Web Host Backup # Cron Version # Jim McKibben…