Questioning the invisible

This should be started with the fact that I have a rather delicate ego. It might look big, but really, it shrinks to fit the setting, but when forced to shrink too much, it reacts. With an air of pride that is certain, forward, and usually rather direct, even if it is certain about being…

S9y to WP

Serendipity to WordPress is easy. Follow these directions to the “t” and it will happen, that’s how I’m here! It is surprisingly easy: Install an old version of WordPress (2.X) onto your server After initial setup, follow the rest of the directions in the readme.txt Place the .php file into the appropriate directory Locate…

Deejay Jonny5

This year is an amazing year. I’ve been employed in computer and network security for over two years.  Erica and I have been sharing a life, a house, and a future for almost three years.  She is very near completing her second session of college. In honesty, the last little bit of it has been…


Soon, almost less than a month away, is my second certification in my profession and a great pride grows in my heart.  These days of training seem to be going on and on, but, most of the material is stuff I am quite familiar with. SANS Security 401 is the book I am reading now….